Ellen Da-eun Lee

Postdoctoral Associate


Yale School of Medicine (Child Study Center)

New Haven, CT, USA

Hello!😊 I am Daeun Lee, and I go by Ellen. I received my Ph.D. in Applied Artificial Intelligence from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in August 2024. Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Associate at the Yale School of Medicine (Child Study Center), working with Dr. Christine Cha. I will be conducting interdisciplinary research on youth suicide, integrating artificial intelligence and psychology.

My research interests mainly revolve around NLP, Multi-Modal Learning, and Affective Computing. I am excited about developing accessible AI healthcare systems to address tangible real-world challenges. I am enthusiastic for collaborating with experts across diverse domains. Feel free to reach out with collaboration proposals or for discussions anytime.

For more details about me, please check my CV.:sparkles:


Dec 27, 2024 Starting a new position as Postdoctoral Researcher at Yale School of Medicine!
Dec 13, 2024 My first paper as a postdoc "Counselor-AI Collaborative Transcription and Editing System" has been accepted to IUI 2025!🐣
Jun 24, 2024 Finally finished my PhD defense. Now I am Dr. Lee!👩‍🎓

Selected Publications

  1. emnlp23.png
    Learning Co-Speech Gesture for Multimodal Aphasia Type Detection
    Daeun Lee** ,  Sejung Son** ,  Hyolim Jeon ,  Seungbae Kim ,  and  Jinyoung Han*
    In EMNLP , Dec 2023
  2. kdd23.png
    Towards Suicide Prevention from Bipolar Disorder with Temporal Symptom-Aware Multitask Learning
    Daeun Lee ,  Sejung Son ,  Hyolim Jeon ,  Seungbae Kim ,  and  Jinyoung Han*
    In ACM SIGKDD , Aug 2023
  3. emnlp20.png
    Cross-lingual suicidal-oriented word embedding toward suicide prevention
    Daeun Lee ,  Soyoung Park ,  Jiwon Kang ,  Daejin Choi ,  and  Jinyoung Han*
    In EMNLP Findings , Nov 2020